Children in class

Attainment at key stage 1 

Pupils are assessed throughout the key stage and the final teacher assessment is recorded at the end of the key stage. West Sussex moderates key stage 1 (KS1) teacher assessments in over 26% of Primary schools and 50% of their First and Infant schools each year. The national expectation is that the pupils will achieve the Expected Standard (EXS) or be working at Greater Depth (GDS) at the end of the key stage. The interim assessment criteria provided by the Standards and Testing Agency indicated that assessment should be based on 100% achievement and not a ‘best fit’ model. West Sussex applies this advice rigorously.
Further to the information below the above table is taken from the DfE statistical release:

March 2021 performance

2019-20 results have been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Revised results for 2018/19 academic year for combined reading, writing and maths continues to rise, from 61.5% in 2018 to 62.9% in 2019 and has narrowed the gap with national average to 2.0% from 2.8% in 2018 and 7.5% in 2017.

The table below shows the position of West Sussex against England and South East including the results of all pupils, boys and girls and the gap to both England and the South East.
DfE statistical release 2018/19


A full range of continuous professional development (CPD) has been developed for this academic year to support schools to accelerate learning for pupils towards the national averages. Link Advisers in the autumn term will build a comprehensive structure of support for each school based on visits through the School Effectiveness Strategy or traded visits from a range of services specific to the schools need. In addition to this, targeted support has been identified for clusters of schools whose data suggests that specific intervention needs to take place.