Older man exercising at home with hand weights

Older people still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital

This measures the number of customers over 65 years, discharged from hospital into the Community reablement service who were still at home 91 days later.

December 2019 performance

There is currently a review of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) measures and consideration is being given to removing this indicator.
The issues relate to the fact that the council has no control over what happens to the customer once discharged from the service and there is difficulty contacting customers. We commission the reablement provider ECL to undertake telephone calls and write to customers but if they are not able to contact the customer or the customer does not respond, then the guidance requires us to record these as not at home.
The joint Health and Social Care Step Up Step Down programme, looking at discharge pathways from hospital, will support improvement, particularly through the Home First project that will develop and improve home based health and social care services to enable people to be discharged directly to their home with the right services and support.