
For Percentage Achieved Basics 9 to 4 (standard pass) - West Sussex’s results have improved by 0.8% in 2019 to 66.2%, which is higher than the national figure of 64.9%, but now only 0.1% lower than our statistical neighbour’s result of 66.3% (which has declined by 0.4% since last year). Over the last three years the West Sussex figure has remained constant with only slight variation, which is reflected in the rankings below.
West Sussex remains ranked 60th nationally (up 1 position from 2018) and remains in the second quartile. West Sussex is now ranked 7th against our statistical neighbours, which is an improvement of 1 position on 2018, despite the change in neighbour authorities.
For Percentage Achieved Basics 9 to 5 (strong pass) - West Sussex’s results have decreased by 0.9% to 42.7% in 2019; this result is 0.7% lower than the national figure of 43.4% and 0.5% lower than our statistical neighbour’s figure of 43.2%. Comparing 2019 results against 2018 there was a decline in all areas with the biggest in our statistic neighbours of 1.9%, despite the change in neighbour authorities.
West Sussex fell to 70th nationally (from 65th in in 2018) but remains in the second quartile. However, West Sussex is now ranked 5th against our statistical neighbours, which is an improvement of 2 positions on 2018, despite the change in neighbour authorities.