Clouds in the sky

Air Quality Management Areas where air quality is improving

There are a number of areas across West Sussex where air quality does not meet Government targets. These areas are known as Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA). We are working in partnership to increase the quality of air in these areas, and to maintain the quality of air across the county.
We aim to improve air quality in all 10 air quality management areas.

September 2019 performance

The measure tracks levels of Nitrogen Dioxide. For 2018 we had 8 AQMA making year-on-year improvements to the air quality.  

Details of NO2 across the 10 AQMA

2020 Annual Status Report
* additional tube added since designation
‡ designation of specific monitoring point
n/a data not available
pending Defra approval: data has been ratified but Defra have still to approve the report
The data is taken from specific monitoring points within each AQMA that exceeded or were close to exceeding the annual average air quality objective (40 µgm3) for NO2 at designation.


Working with District, Boroughs and Sussex-air to add additional anti-idling signs to level crossings.
Attended the Youth Cabinet event, where the findings from a school project were promoted and we facilitated debates on both air quality and climate change.
Through our membership of Sussex-air, we have been successful in gaining funding for work around wood burning. The Clean Air Sussex campaign will gather information on where residents are reliant on solid fuel as their main source of heating, provide advice on how to use their wood burning stoves most efficiently, and signpost to available support for alternative fuel sources. Information on Clean Burn Sussex (around efficient wood burning) has been included in the autumn issue of Connections, distributed to all residents in the county.
A public information campaign has been developed and messaging is also being included in the Climate Change Pledge communications. Almost 1000 people have pledged so far.