Emissions from a car

Equivalent tonnes of CO2 emissions from WSCC activities

In April 2019, the Council acknowledged the threat of climate change and passed a motion pledging to try to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030. This pledge was based on a long record of work to reduce our emissions.
We were one of the first local authorities to set a carbon reduction target, and in 2011 pledged to reduce our emissions by 50% by 2020.
We introduced a corporate wide energy and water management programme that assessed the energy performance of our estate and identified areas where we could improve efficiency and operating costs. We rolled out comprehensive programmes to improve our building management systems, improve insulation and upgrade lighting both in our own buildings but also in street lights across the County. We have also invested in renewable energy with solar panel installations installed on a range of our corporate buildings including administration hubs and libraries.
As result of this work, and a general reduction in the size of our corporate estate, at the end of 2019/20 we met our target and reduced our corporate carbon emissions by 51%.
Despite this success, the Council’s pledge to net carbon zero demonstrates we understand that we need to lead by example and do more, faster. In reflection of this, we used the opportunity of the new commitment to review the scope of the emissions included within the target and have chosen to broaden the scope.
In addition to emissions from our corporate estate, highway street light and signs, and business miles we also now include emissions from the school estate and water use. Emissions have also been incorporated representing the broader indirect carbon emissions caused by our energy consumption. Often referred to as Scope 3 emissions, these inclusions cover for example the emissions generated by transmission and distribution of grid electricity that we consume, as well as emissions generated by production of the fuel we use within our vehicles. It does not include emissions stemming from contracted services or emissions embedded into the materials we utilise.
More detail about the scope of our target and our plans to achieve it can be found in our Carbon Management Plan

March 2024 performance

Preliminary recorded carbon emissions for Q4 23/24 totalled 9,728 tonnes. Note, this is the first fiscal year of emissions reporting under a new baseline and thus these changes to the emissions categories will have some impact on totals. Also, data presented is preliminary as there are delays in reporting some finalised consumption datasets. Confirmed data will be logged at the next reporting period, causing changes to this quarterly preliminary data.
Our Q4 emissions were dominated by streetlighting, schools and corporate estate which make up 78% of the total. Of note, with the updating of our work from home and employee commuting data obtained through responses to our 2023 Climate Change Awareness and Commuting Survey, these emissions categories have increased since previous reporting. This increase doesn’t reflect a sudden change in activity at the council but rather a better and more updated reporting of existing activity.
Year over year total emissions data reveals that while preliminary 23/24 emissions are up 10% year over year (29,948t in 23/24 versus 27,264t in 22/23), they still are down 11.4% compared to our baseline year (33,798t). This is due to continued decreases in our corporate and schools' estate being offset by increases largely in transportation (with the inclusion of employee commuting into the category in 23/24) along with the inclusion of the “other” category.

March 2024 actions

Work continues on the actions set out in the Carbon Management Plan to achieve net zero carbon by 2030.